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Gastroenteritis/ Diarrhea

Delictase assists the body to break down and absorb lactose and subsequently to stop "osmotic diarrheas"!


During gastroenteritis (viral or bacterial), diarrhea and, in general, gastrointestinal infection, there is a disintegration of the intestinal villi and, as a consequence, it results in limited or no lactase production. This is called "secondary lactose intolerance" which is usually a temporary condition since lactase production returns to normal levels after 2 weeks to 2 months. 

Secondary lactose intolerance is caused by the disintegration of the intestinal villi from toxins that are being released in the intestine (image 1) during the inflammation reaction. 

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The disintegration of intestinal villi in the small intestine results to eliminating lactase production and consequently to the inability of breaking down lactose (image 2).

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This has a consequence for the unbroken lactose to go from the small intestine to the large (image 3α). 

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In the large intestine, due to the unbroken lactose, water is attracted in the intestinal lumen (image 3β) causing the so called "osmotic diarrheas".

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Delictase, by providing the appropriate amount of lactase, assists on the correct digestion of lactose (image 4) and, as a result, on stopping osmotic diarrheas! 

It is very important to point out that lactose intake is extremely important for kids and especially babies and infants. Taking into consideration the directions by ESPGHAN (European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition), breastfeeding should not be paused, and it is recommended to continue the consumption of dairy products in general, even in case of acute gastroenteritis.

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